Finding Items


In Matrix applications you can do 3 kinds of searches:

  • local filters: this searches just the items ids and titles, then highlights the found items
  • server full text search: this searches all text in all fields in all items on the server. This takes a little longer and returns more results
  • miracle search: this allows you to build complex search expressions which are run on the server, e.g. to search for the text in specific fields.

To start searching type in the search field

This will immediately start to filter the data and display the results as described below. 

To run a full text search on the server

Enter the search expression and hit return or click on the magnifying glass icon.

To run a search within a specific category

Use the search term prefixed by "CAT:", CAT being the category, e.g. "UC:brake" will filter/search "brake" in the UC category only.

To use miracle search expressions

Prefix the search expressions with mrql: (Matrix Requirements Query Language), and hit return or hit the magnifying class icon.

See Matrix Requirements Query Language (MRQL) for the syntax.

To used predefined miracle search expressions

If you click on the drop down on the right of the magnifying glass, you can execute predefined searches. These can be configured per project, see Search Configuration.

See an example of local filter and full server search:

Viewing Search Results

Search results can be displayed in a tree or a list. The current selected display method is indicated by the dropdown icon on the left of the search bar.

When the search or filter has finished, the following will happen depending on the selected view method

view methoddisplay of search results
grey out mismatchesThe full database tree is shown. Items which do not match the search criteria are visible but greyed out.
grey out mismatches and expand treeSame as above, but the tree is automatically opened to show all found items.
hide mismatchesOnly the parts of the database tree which contain matches is shown, the rest of the database is hidden.
hide mismatches and expand treeSame as above, but the tree is automatically opened to show all found items.
show as listThe search results are shown as flat list

Note: the selection you chose will become the default display for any future session until you change it again.